The Cayuga-Onodaga BOCES School Library System (SLS) has a school library system council, which meets at least four times a year.
This council is composed of at least nine members, and shall include representatives of the members in the school library system and other representatives of providers and users of library services in the school library system. The plan of service shall specify the method of appointment of the school library system council.
The school library system council members shall serve three-year terms, and shall be appointed in a manner as to provide that, as nearly as possible, one-third of the members of the council shall be appointed each year. A vacancy on the school library system council shall be filled by the governing board for the duration of the term of the individual whose seat on the council is to be filled. Members shall serve without compensation.
For more information, see: Overview of Council and Communication Coordinator Responsibilities.
Auburn Enlarged City School District
Beth Cuddy
Cato-Meridian Central School District
Jenna Landon
Jordan-Elbridge Central School District
Jennifer Martin
Moravia Central School District
Jenifer Westover
Port Byron Central School District
Molly Griffin
Skaneateles Central School District
Beth Zysk
Southern Cayuga Central School District
Union Springs Central School District
Stephanie Berry- - President
Weedsport Central School District
Aja Hahn
Cayuga Community College
Sara Davenport
South Central Regional Library Council
Claire Lovell
Seymour Public Library
Lisa Carr
Cayuga Onondaga BOCES SLS Coordinator
Molly Clark
This organization shall be called the Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES School Library System Council, hereafter referred to as the Council. The Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES School Library System is hereafter referred to as the System.
The Council shall be the policy recommending body of the System in compliance with Commissioner's Regulations 90.18.
Section1. The Council shall advise the Director in the development of the Plan of Service and its implementation.
Section 2. The Council shall advise in the preparation of the System budget and approve an annual budget, based on the State allocation for the System.
Section 3. The Council shall approve recommendations made by Committees.
Section 4. The Council shall assist and advise BOCES in the process of employing a Director.
Section 1. Council membership shall consist of no more than fifteen (15) members
Section 2. The Council shall include the following permanent seats:
Section 3. Ex-Officio Membership. The Council shall include the School Library System Director as an ex-officio member. The BOCES District Superintendent and the BOCES Instructional Support Services Director may also serve as ex-officio members.
Section 4. Term of Council Office -Members will serve three-year terms that will run from July 1 to June 30. Reappointments are permitted.
Section 5. Method of Appointment – Council members will be appointed by individual school Superintendents.
Attendance -- Council members are expected to attend all meetings.
Section 6. Vacancies - Should a Council member be unable to serve, the BOCES Board of Education will appoint a replacement as per Commissioner's Regulations 90.18 (b)(2)(i).
Section 1. The Council shall meet at least four (4) times each year. The dates will be set at the last meeting of the year.
Section 2. Each Council member shall have one vote and must be present at a meeting to have this vote counted.
Section 3. A simple majority of Council membership shall constitute a quorum.
Section 1. The Council will elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson by vote at the last scheduled meeting of the school year to serve a two-year term.
Section 2. A member shall be eligible to serve more than one (1) consecutive term in the same office.
Section 3. The duties of the Chairperson shall be: Convene and preside at Council meetings; Prepare the agenda with the Director; Monitor membership attendance; Solicit volunteers for committees.
The Vice-Chairperson shall preside at meetings in the absence of the Chairperson.
Section 1. Committees may be established for specialized responsibilities.
Section 2. Committees shall report regularly to the Council.
Section 3. Committee members may be from the Council, the liaison group, or member libraries.
Section 4. The Council shall assist and advise BOCES in the process of employing a Director.
Section 1. All proposals for amending the Bylaws must be submitted to the Council for its consideration.
Section 2. At the next regular meeting of the Council, the proposed amendment shall be voted upon.
Section 3. Upon acceptance, the proposed amendment shall become part of the Bylaws.
These Bylaws are not intended to interfere or supersede any State Education Department Regulations, Commissioner's Regulations, BOCES Board of Education Policy, or Local Education Agency Policy.