About LibGuides
What are LibGuides?
- Lib(rary) + Guides
- It is a product from Springshare
- A system that allows librarians to easily create and share information
How does it work?
- It works in boxes, pages, and guides.
- These hold information about your library.
- Boxes can be recycled to other pages and guides.
- Pages can be recycled to other guides.
How does it organize my information?
- You create and assign your subjects.
- You identify keywords so your students can search your LibGuides.
My school colors are (insert your colors) and the font is too small.
- Go ahead and change your colors, you have full administrative access to your site.
- Insert some *.css into your settings so that everything on your site is uniform.
But I don't have time to create something new for a class first thing tomorrow.
- Check out the LibGuides Community, perhaps someone else has already created a LibGuide you can use.