Perfect for business schools and entrepreneurs,the Small Business Collection — updated daily — provides insights, tips, strategies and
success stories. Users will find more than 180 subject-appropriate, active, full-text periodicals for informative reading and research.
Soundzabound Music Library offers a wide variety of music, audio themes and sound effects for grades K -12 and universities that ensures your copyright safety. Perfect for podcasts, PowerPoint™, videos, news shows, video yearbooks, digital storytelling,presentations, TV broadcasts, web design and more!
Covers an extensive library of children's books and young adult literature and their authors. Provides access to educational materials and programs (short movies, audiobook readings, book discussion guides, lesson plans and more) that add a multimedia dimension to reading in the classroom, library, and at home.
A useful collection for both the novice historian and the advanced academic researcher. Provides balanced coverage of both current thought on events in U.S. history and scholarly work established in the field. Articles included are updated daily and come from leading historical journals.
In addition to its comprehensive reference information, World Book Online offers links to primary source documents, over 4,000 web-based public domain e-books, literary criticism, a biography center, citation builder, timelines, and an electronic briefcase to save research media and articles. In addition, the Early World of Learning module offers rich resources for preschoolers and children in primary grades K-3.
A useful collection for both the novice historian and the advanced academic researcher. Provides balanced coverage of both current thought on events in U.S. history and scholarly work established in the field. Articles included are updated daily and come from leading historical journals.
Aligned to state and national curriculum standards, World History in Context provides an overview of world history that covers the most-studied events, periods, cultures, civilizations, religions, conflicts, wars, ideologies, cultural movements, people, and more.