Week 1 - September 9 - 13, 2013
Monday 9/9
Read Tom Sawyer Chapters 1-2
Complete Reading Log #2
Tuesday 9/10
Read Tom Sawyer Chapter 3
Complete Vocabulary Exercises
Wednesday 9/11
Read Tom Sawyer Chapter 4
Prepare for Literature Circle Role
Thursday 9/12
Literature Circle Discussion
Complete Reading Log #3
Friday 9/13
Read Tom Sawyer Chapter 5
Writing Assignment 1 -
Character Sketch
Tom Sawyer and Children's Literature
See, Fred G. "Tom Sawyer and children's literature." Essays In Literature: Fall85; Vol. 12; Issue 2. 251-271. Literary Reference Center. Ebsco.
The Mississippi River During the 19th Century
Fredriksen, John C. "Mississippi River during the 19th century." In Waugh, John, and Gary B. Nash, eds. Encyclopedia of American History: Civil War and Reconstruction, 1856 to 1869, Revised Edition (Volume V). New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2010. American History Online. Facts On File.
Transportation in the 19th Century
Holtkamp Gervase, Samantha. "transportation in the 19th century." In Waugh, John, and Gary B. Nash, eds. Encyclopedia of American History: Civil War and Reconstruction, 1856 to 1869, Revised Edition (Volume V). New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2010. American History Online. Facts On File.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens
(Mark Twain)
Literary Reference Center Database